Seas and Ships and Serendib

Welcome to "Sea and ships and Serendib".

These three words - "Seas", "Ships", "Serendib" - clearly describe the theme of this site: Sri Lanka's links with the sea.

Ours is an island nation created by shifts in the earth's crust and the rise and fall of sea levels and is, thus, a "Child of the Sea." Not unnaturally, three of the five facets of this theme (below) deal with matters maritime: Indigenous ships and boats, the Underwater Cultural Heritage and Navies (old and new).

The other two facets cover various aspects of my Country's rich heritage and some of my own work in heritage and more mundane matters.

All material that is not specifically attributed to anyone else is entirely my own, warts and all. I hope you do not find it disappointing.

And – "Thank you", Navy, for providing me with a platform after my earlier site was felled by a hacker.